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1950s Rock & Roll
A Practical Songwriting Course
Do you want to write songs but need a push to get started? In this course we'll take inspiration from the great songwriters of rock & roll's first wave: Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Lieber and Stoller, Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman, and more. We'll study how they wrote their songs, and examine the influences from rhythm & blues and country that went into the explosive mixture that became rock music. Whether you've never written a song before or already have a songwriting practice, there's a place for you in this course, taught by RPM School's Jack Petruzzelli and Cameron Greider, and our very special guest instructor Freedy Johnston, legendary songwriter and a past Rolling Stone Songwriter of the Year.
Each week we'll start with a presentation on the history of early rock n roll and its pioneers, and, most importantly, how they put together their songs. Then we'll break up into groups of five people to work on our own writing. We'll start from simple exercises, and progress to finished songs, working in a supportive, non-judgmental atmosphere. Each group will collaborate on a song, and each group member will also work on their own song or songs.
Instructors will rotate so that each participant gets to work closely with Jack, Cameron and Freedy.
Requirements: Shower-singing ability and desire to write a song. Basic proficiency on a chordal instrument (guitar, keyboards, autoharp, etc.) helpful but not required.
Six Mondays 5:30 to 7:00 PM EST, April 7, 14, 21, 28 and May 5,12 $525 Limited to 15 participants
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